Gain fast analytical performance
- Improve productivity by freeing up desktop software while analytical tasks are performed on the server.
- Analyze massive datasets faster using 64-bit server grade hardware.
- Run multiple jobs from a single desktop without compromising desktop performance.
- Generate interactive and editable output tables up to five times faster.
- Automate and schedule repeated tasks including reports, data preparation and other batch jobs.
- Drive the SPSS Statistics analytical engine from an external application and implement extension commands in Java.
Sort and aggregate data inside the database prior to analysis
- Use the Naïve Bayes algorithm to predict classification of cases by treating each variable as independent and equal.
- Filter large amounts of irrelevant data to obtain only features relevant for modeling using the predictor selection algorithm.
- Take advantage of optimized multithreading to perform analytical tasks with greater speed and ease.
- Compare files or data sets to identify discrepancies between them.
Handle administrative functions more efficiently
- Provide administration rights to users, and use batch-processing capabilities for efficient use of processing resources.
- Assign priorities so that resources are reserved for high-priority users.
- Connect outside your company firewall using SSL or connect via VPN.
- Disconnect the SPSS Statistics client from the network when running server jobs and work uninterrupted without compromising the successful completion of analysis or output.
- Compress temporary files created by the sort procedure within SPSS Statistics Server to save disk space.
Improve security and standardization
- Encrypt the communication between a client and a server.
- Enable password protection for data files and output.
- Store data centrally instead of on a local desktop where it could be compromised more easily.
- Enforce standards to ensure that all analysts are using the latest versions of a syntax or data file.